Nevada Retirement Information

Nevada is largely desert and semiarid, with much of it located within the Great Basin. Areas south of the Great Basin are located within the Mojave Desert, while Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada lie on the western edge. Approximately 86% of the state's land is owned by various jurisdictions of the U.S. federal government, both civilian and military. Nevada has no state income tax and no inheritance tax.

Nevada is often thought of as bright lights and winning big at the craps table but there is so much more. The range of living options are vast from the mountain spots high up in the Sierra Nevadas to the hot dry areas of the Mojave Desert where Las Vegas is located.

Nearly three-quarters of Nevada's people live in the Las Vegas area. For those who like the water, nearby Lake Mead is a great place to go.

Living In Nevada

Nevada is the driest state in the United States. It is made up of mostly desert and semiarid climate regions, daytime summer temperatures sometimes may rise as high as 125 degrees F and nighttime winter temperatures may reach as low as -50 degrees F.

While winters in northern Nevada are long and fairly cold, the winter season in the southern part of the state tends to be of short duration and mild. Most parts of Nevada receive scarce precipitation during the year.

Tornadoes None
Hurricanes None
Earth quakes Extremely Rare
Wildfires Moderate risk
Flooding Some along rivers
Tidal Surges None
Mud Slides None
Volcanoes None
Snow Yes
Freezing Rain No
Cold Winds Yes
Guide to Taxes on Retirees
Cost of Living in Nevada
Nevada Retirement Guide
Public Employees' Retirement System of Nevada
Active Adult Retirement Communities
Nevada Retirement Communities
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